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Reimagining Your Legacy: Life After Legacy Admissions

We understand how important it is to you that your child continues the family legacy at your alma mater, even if the college no longer provides preferences to legacy applicants. It's natural to feel a sense of disappointment, but it's essential to remember that the changing landscape of college admissions presents new opportunities and possibilities. While the road may be different, there are still actionable steps you can take to enhance your child's chances of getting into their legacy school.

  1. Leverage your connections and network: While preferences may no longer be given, your personal connections can still play a role in the process. Reach out to alumni networks, friends, and colleagues who have ties to your legacy school. These individuals can offer insights, advice, and potentially even provide recommendations or endorsements that can help your child's application stand out.

  2. Showcase genuine interest and passion: Admissions officers value students who are genuinely interested in their institution. Encourage your child to engage with the college in meaningful ways. Attend information sessions, participate in virtual tours, and connect with current students and faculty members. Encourage your child to pursue internships, research opportunities, or community service that align with their academic interests and demonstrate their commitment to their desired college.

  3. Highlight unique experiences and achievements: Admissions committees are looking for well-rounded students who bring diverse perspectives and talents to campus. Encourage your child to highlight their unique experiences, extracurricular involvements, and personal accomplishments. Show colleges how your child's passions, hobbies, or community involvement make them a valuable addition to their campus community.

  4. Craft a compelling application: Help your child create a compelling application that showcases their strengths, character, and potential contributions. Encourage them to write thoughtfully about their experiences, aspirations, and how their background aligns with the values of the institution. Additionally, suggest seeking guidance from their school counselor or trusted teachers who can provide valuable insights and help them present their best selves on paper.

  5. Embrace alternative pathways: If your child is set on attending their legacy school but faces significant challenges due to the absence of legacy preferences, explore alternative paths to fulfill their dreams. Consider transfer programs, summer courses, or community college options that provide a stepping stone to eventually transferring to the desired institution. This allows your child to build a strong academic record while staying committed to their long-term goal.

  6. Broaden the horizon: While the legacy school holds personal significance, it's important to keep an open mind and explore other colleges and universities that align with your child's aspirations and goals. Research and visit schools that offer similar programs, values, and opportunities. You may be pleasantly surprised to find another institution that can provide an equally enriching and transformative experience for your child.

Remember, the college admissions journey is an opportunity for growth and self-discovery. Despite changes to legacy preferences, your child's unique qualities, experiences, and accomplishments can still shine through in their application. Stay positive and supportive throughout the process, reminding your child that their future success isn't solely defined by the college they attend. With the right mindset, resourcefulness, and determination, they can pave their own path to success, regardless of the legacy school's preferences. Best of luck in your journey to support your child's dreams!