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“The Summer Opportunity”: How to use Summer to Boost your College Prospects


As parents, we understand that summer vacation can be a time of uncertainty when it comes to our children's college applications. While summer is a great opportunity for students to engage in meaningful experiences, the key question is whether the specific activities they choose will truly make a difference on their college applications.

Section 1: Going Beyond the "What" to Embrace the "Why"

When evaluating summer activities, it's important to delve deeper than just the activity itself. Admissions officers are interested in understanding the motivations behind a student's choices. For example, does a student attend a robotics camp because they have a genuine passion for engineering, or solely because it's hosted at a prestigious university? By reflecting on the underlying reasons, students can demonstrate authenticity and highlight their true passions.

Section 2: Discovering Personal Growth and Responsibility

Working during summer break, whether it's scooping ice cream or maintaining a job, can be incredibly valuable for students. These experiences teach them important life skills, such as responsibility and financial management. The key is for students to engage in work that aligns with their own goals. Rather than merely aiming to impress admissions officers, students should consider whether their summer job will contribute to their personal growth and future aspirations. That said, this is a little known truth: admissions officers love students to take on menial-sounding jobs. It shows a capacity for humility and hard work. It also shows that they have been in contact with the “real world”, an experience that can have a major and positive impact on how their approach their college career. More on this in a later post!

Section 3: Exploring the Authenticity of Summer Adventures

Family vacations provide an excellent opportunity for personal development, cultural exploration, and bonding. However, it's important to reflect on the nature of these adventures. Are they focused on luxury hotels and Instagram-worthy posts, or are they centered around immersive experiences and genuine connections? By seeking meaningful interactions and self-reflection, students can demonstrate their capacity for growth and understanding.

Section 4: Emphasizing Meaningful Volunteer Experiences

Volunteering can be another enriching way for students to spend their summers. However, it's crucial to consider the genuine motivations behind these activities. Are students volunteering because they genuinely care about the cause and want to make a difference, or are they solely motivated by the desire to check off a box on their college application? By engaging in volunteer work with true passion and dedication, students can showcase their empathy, commitment, and desire to contribute positively to their communities.

Section 5: The Power of Authenticity and Personal Growth

Ultimately, the college application is an opportunity for students to share their true selves and their unique journeys. Admissions officers look for information that provides a genuine reflection of a student's character and passions. It's important for students (and parents) to remember that there is no "magic formula" or specific number of community service hours that will guarantee admission. What matters most is the personal growth and valuable lessons learned from their experiences, whether it's 10 hours or 100.

Section 6: Dispelling Myths and Understanding College Summer Programs

Contrary to popular belief, participation in a college's summer program does not necessarily give an advantage when applying to that institution. Admission officers, such as Jim Miller from Brown University, emphasize that no weight is given to applicants who have attended their own university's summer programs. Furthermore, colleges intentionally avoid favoring those who can afford expensive summer programs. Instead, what matters is a student's engagement in meaningful activities that align with their passions and aspirations.


As parents, it's natural to want the best for our children's college applications. However, the true key to success lies in authenticity, personal growth, and a genuine passion for one's chosen activities. By encouraging our children to embrace their passions, make thoughtful choices, and reflect on the impact of their experiences, we can help them build compelling college applications that truly reflect who they are. Remember, it's not about impressing admissions officers but about embracing the opportunities for growth and learning that summer provides. Together, let's unleash the full potential of our children's summer and empower them to shine in their college applications.