For the families of college-bound students, applying to college can feel like a full-time job. Generation Prep helps manage this job. Using our organized, thoughtful, and distinctly human approach, we reduce student stress and preserve parental sanity, all the while meeting major academic goals.


Application Support

    • Application and Essay Support

    • Tutor Referrals

Strategy and Admissions Support

    • Admissions Strategy Consulting

    • Application and Essay Support

    • Class Selection

    • Development of College List

    • Ongoing Deadline Reminders, Check-Ins, and Project Management Support

    • Tutor Referrals


    • Admissions Strategy Consulting

    • Application and Essay Support

    • Class selection

    • Development of College List

    • Ongoing Deadline Reminders, Check-Ins, and Project Management Support

    • Tutor Referrals

    • Creation of Organizational Materials/Systems

    • Interview Prep

    • Capstone Project Guidance (If Necessary)

    • Social Media, Online Footprint Management (If Necessary)

Pay as You Go

If you would prefer to forgo the packages and work with us based on an hourly rate, pay as you go is a great option. Reach out today for a quote for our various offerings.

What services do we offer?

Project Management

Over the course of  one to four years as students begin their preparation for college, families often employ a team of professionals to pitch in along the way -  college counselors, essay coaches, standardized test tutors, academic support. Using its wide and deep network, Gen Prep recruits, assembles and project manages a team catered to  each student’s personality and specific needs. One project manager helps plan , issues reminders and remains in close communication with students and their families at all times, so everyone remains in the loop and confident throughout the entire process.

Test Prep

Our standardized test tutors are not just whiz kids fresh out of college, or bored graduate students  who mastered the test. They are deeply experienced and engaging educators who know how to reach students of all levels and abilities. Each has a proven track record of success and is at the top of their respective field. And, more importantly, each is  also a natural teacher. We are careful to match our tutors with students based on personality as well as need. Each student has the opportunity to interview multiple tutors before they find the right fit.

We start by deciding which test is best suited for a student using a handful of diagnostic techniques, then move on to creating a unique plan for success.

A pencil lays on top of a standardized test.

Essay Help

An admission essay is unlike any other essay a student will have to write. At what other time will they try  to distill the most essential elements of their life experience and personality into 650 words? This is where working with a Gen Prep counselor truly makes the difference. We work to discover the fascinating, impressive, moving or  entertaining story that needs to be told in order for a student’s entire application to come to life. It requires a lot more than a few edits from the school college counselor; a good essay can change a student’s life. Our essay coaches are not just good editors. They know how to draw students out and inspire them to achieve greatness. The essay matters today more than it ever has before. Never underestimate the power of words!

College Counseling

There comes an exciting but scary time in every student’s life when they face the dueling questions: where do I want to go to college and what is possible? Navigating the ever-changing terrain of college application process is not for the faint of heart. Our college counselors have done the research and have the experience that can make this experience far less daunting. Whether your student has Ivy League aspirations, dreams of art school or has no clue where they could possibly belong and thrive, our counselors are here to help guide them every step of the way.

A journal is open to a page of notes, written alongside creative doodles.


Why Choose Us?

Our philosophy, approach and experience.

The college admissions process is far more emotional than most people realize. Successful students know themselves and have developed the skills to thrive emotionally in an academic setting. Our approach to college consulting centers on the student’s well-being, as well as that of their families. We know how to help a student thrive and achieve their loftiest goals without damaging their relationship with themselves or their families. Our goal is to teach students how to thrive long after high school and college graduation. Choosing us means not only helping  safeguard your child from some of the  pitfalls of the college application process, but also  helping to insure them a bright and dynamic future.

Why Should You Trust Us?

Our founder has worked with hundreds of students, sometimes for months and years at a time, often in  their own homes. She has seen first-hand that learning and achievement go hand-and-hand with  encouragement paired with deep wells of support. This is why we prioritize quality consulting over quantity of clients, and view applying to college as a journey of self-actualization, not a means for external validation.

Our students have our support every step of the way.

Is this the right time for you to enroll?

Many families seek guidance as early as Freshmen year. Sophomore and Junior year are important times for test prep. The summer before Senior year is all about college applications. Wherever you are on the journey,  we are able to help.

Remote or In-Person?

This depends on the student’s location and available/appropriate tutors. The bulk of our college counseling and project management services will likely be held online, with occasional meetings in-person when possible or  at the client’s request.

How do we price our services?

We’ve assembled these packages for parents who want to eliminate the stress of  hourly charges that may be hard to budget for. Our packages are designed to save on our hourly rate, which is industry standard for tutors and consultants at our level of expertise.


Our Service Areas:

In person: NYC, Westchester and Fairfield County, Connecticut.

Online: worldwide.

(203) 391-1647